Troon Toonz no. 1
Troon Toonz no. 2. The girl here is directly based on how I dressed that month. I should dye my hair black again...
Troon Toonz no. 3. This is exactly what happened to me during my repper days, even down to specific details like the Haruhi cosplay and the Yuri on Ice shirt.
Troon Toonz no. 4. Here we see a proto-Luna as the star of this strip.
Troon Toonz no. 5
Troon Toonz no. 6. Luna's first appearance in the series! I couldn't figure out how to get krita's text tool working that day, hence the janky text here.
The "AMA" on her shirt is a reference to one of my projects that's been in the works for some time now, except I fucked up the acronym. It should be "AKA", not "AMA", yet I screwed that up. There's something that makes me feel exceptionally dumb for forgetting the acronym of my own project.